Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dealing with writer's block

It happens to all of us. You have great ideas and a lot of data. You go to your computer, put your hands on the keyboard, stare and the screen and... nothing.

Before you walk away in frustration, try this:
*Talk as you type. You may find it easier to put the words together if you feel like you're talking to someone.

*Pretend you're talking to a supportive but skeptical person. Here's what the person might ask:
-- Why is what you're writing about important?
-- Why should I care about it? How does it affect me?
-- (If you're asking for action) What do you want me/him/her/them to do? When?
-- What information do you have to support your arguments?
-- Do you have any charts, images or other graphics that might help convince or persuade me?

Another good tip: The best way to become a better writer is to write more often. Writing is like exercising; the more you do it, the easier it becomes, and the more you can do.

--Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP

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